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Q: What is the length of the tangent from the external point D to point B?
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What is the relation between the length of the two shorter sides of a right triangle?

Let the sides be a & b. a2 + b2 = The square of the hypotenuse a/b = tangent of the angle opposite a b/a = tangent of the angle opposite b ab/2 = the area of a right angled triangle.

How do you find a tangent?

If you have a function f(x), then the tangent can be found by deriving f, denotedd/dx(f(x)) = f'(x). This will give the slope of f(x) at a certain point (a,b).find f'(a), call this m. Now, use the standard form for a line, y = mx+c, plug in the point (a,b) to solve for c. Finally, the equation for the line tangent to a point (a,b) and f(x) is y= f'(a)x + c

How can you write the equation of the tangent line to the curve?

Well if you have found the derivative (slope of the tangent line) of the curve at that point and you know the xy coordinates for that point in the curve then you set it up in y=mx+b format where y is your y-coordinate, x is your x-coordinate and m is your derivative and solve for b

What type of measurement is thisthe distance from point A to point B on a grid?


How do you find a tangent line?

Say you are given a function and an x value.(1) First find the y coordinate that corresponds to that x value by plugging x into the function and simplifying to find y = some #. Now you have a point (x, y) that is not only on the function, but also on the tangent line.(2) Take the derivative of the function.(3) If the derivative still has xs in it, plug in the x value you were given and simplify. This should give you an actual number--the slope of the tangent line.(4) From steps 1 and 3, you now have a point on the tangent line and the slope of the tangent line. Use these two things to write the equation for the tangent line in y=mx+b form (m is the sope, plug in the point you found, solve for b, then rewrite the equation replacing m and b but leaving in x and y).

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It has no length width or thickness?

A point. (Also time, language, concepts, etc.)

What is the formula of tan x?

In a right triangle, where the angle "x" is adjacent to the hypotenuse, the tangent of that angle would be the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the adjacent side (not the hypotenuse). For instance, consider a right triangle with the following side lengths: A = 3 B = 4 C = 5 B is the hypotenuse. The tangent of the angle between sides A and C would be B/A, or 4/3. The tangent of the angle between sides B and C would be B/A, or 3/4. This is often taught with the memorisation acronym "SOHCAHTOA": (S)ine = (O)pposite / (H)ypotenuse (C)osine = (A)djacent / (H)ypotenuse (T)angent = (O)pposite / (A)djacent

What is an easy equation for finding the normal line?

The first thing you may want to do would be to find the tangent line to the function. The tangent line is a line that passes through a given point on a function, but does not touch any other point on the function (assuming the function is one to one). Assuming you have the tangent line, the normal line is simply perpendicular to the tangent line- it forms a 90 degree angle with the tangent line. One you have the tangent line and the point which it passes through, you can find the normal line. To obtain the perpendicular line to any function, take the inverse reciprocal of the slope (if your slope was 2, it is now -.5). After that, plug in your (x, y) coordinate, and you can solve for the constant b (assuming there is one). This should give the normal line to a tangent of at a point on a function.

What is the difference between tangent and secant line?

The tangent line is the instantaneous rate of change at a point on a curve. The secant line crosses a curve twice at points A and B, representing the average rate of change between those two points.

How do you find how many degrees a shape is without a protractor?

The degree of an angle can be determined using the tangent function. From one ray of the angle, draw a perpendicular line until it intersects the other ray of the angle. Measure the length of the first ray (A) and the perpendicular line (B) and set as a ratio of B/A. This ratio is equal to the tangent of the angle.

Which segment is a tangent segment to circle Q?

a and b