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If you mean: (2, 2) and (8, -6)

Then midpoint: (2+8)/2 and (2-6)/2 which is (4, -2)

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Q: What is the midpoint of the line segment between 22 and8 -6?
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Why a line segment cannot have two midpoint?

A line segment cannot have more than one midpoints because the midpoint is the halfway point between (or the middle of) the line segment, and the midpoint is exactly halfway between the beginning and exactly halfway between the end of the line segment, not a third of the way, etc.

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A line that intersects a segment at its midpoint bisects the segment.

What point halfway between two endpoints of a line segment is a?

It is known as the midpoint of the line segment

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All bisectors intersect the line segment at the midpoint. There can be multiple bisectors, intersecting at the midpoint at different angles, but they all intersect the line segment at its midpoint. The midpoint separates the line segment into two equal halves.

Halfway between two endpoints of a line segment?

Midpoint. (TBH this is 6th grade stuff)

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It is the midpoint

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Does a line segment have two midpoints?

No. The midpoint of a line segment is the single point exactly halfway between each endpoint.

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A midpoint is a point. It's the point exactly halfway between the endsof a line segment.A perpendicular bisector is a line. It's the line that passes through themidpoint of the segment, and is perpendicular to the segment.

What is a midpoint?

A point on a line segment that divides the segment into two equal parts is a midpoint.

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A line segment cannot have more than one midpoint or else you will be creating multiple line segments that are connected to each other. A line segment can only have one midpoint.

What is a segment bisector?

I line that intersects a segment at its midpoint.