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22 = 10/220 - x

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Q: What is the number of Twenty-two is the same as the quotient of ten and a number subtracted from 220.?
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Yes. This is the same as asking for one rational number to be subtracted from another; to do this each rational number is made into an equivalent rational number so that the two rational numbers have the same denominator, and then the numerators are subtracted which gives a rational number which may possibly be simplified.

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The number 1. Unless the number is 0, in which case, the quotient is not defined.

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As long as the number is not zero, the quotient remains unchanged. If the multiplier is zero then the quotient is undefined.

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When an integer is divided by 1 same integer number will be the quotient

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810: quotient 1, remainder 1

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0a + 0 = aa - 0 = a

Does the quotient always have the same number of digits as the divisor?

No. Let's say you have 500 divided by 2. Your quotient would be 250.

Does multiplying both the dividend and divisor by the same number change the quotient?

no, it simply multiplies the quotient by 1 (the multiplicative identity).

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the quotient which is the same as the dividend or divisor

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the answer is................................ -36/5.....................