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You must provide us with the shape and dimensions of the solid figure.

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Q: What is the number of cubic units needed to fill a solid figure?
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Related questions

What is the number of cubic units needed to fill the space occupied by a solid?

the number of cubic units to fill an object is called its volume

Is the area of a solid figure is the mearsure of the number of cubic units?

No, volume is in cubic units, while surface area is in square units.

What is the measure of the number of square units needed to cover the outside of a figure or solid expressed in units squared.?

It is the surface area of the solid.

Which solid figure have the most verticies?

There is no limit to the number of vertices that a solid figure can have.

What is the space within a geometric solid figure called?

It is its volume which is measured in cubic units

What are you measuring in volume?

Volume is the measure of the amount of space inside of a solid figure, like a cube, ball, cylinder, or pyramid. It's units are always "cubic", that is, the number of little element cubes that fit inside the figure.

The number of cubic units contained in the interior of a solid?


How is a solid figure named?

Solid figures are normally named after their number of faces.

What is the name of sum of the areas of all faces of a solid figure?

The "Surface Area" of the solid figure. Note, the word "total" in the answer above is not correct/needed - there can not be anything less than a surface area of a solid figure.

What are the number of faces on a solid figure cone?


What solid figure has an odd number of vertices?


What is a measure of the number of square units needed to cover the outside of a figure or solid expressed in units squared?

surface area