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Q: What is the number your multiplying by called?
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When multiplying two number then the answer is called?

The answer is called the product.

What is the number called used in multiplying when scaling?

A scale factor.

Counting the number of organisms in one area and multiplying to estimate the number in a larger area is called?

Population density is the counting of number of organisms in one area and multiplying to estimate the number in a larger area.

What is the name of an answer when multiplying?

When one number (the multiplicand) is multiplied by another number (the multiplier) the resulting number is called the product.

The process of multiplying a number outside a set of parentheses to everything inside the parentheses is called?

The process of multiplying a number outside a set of parentheses to everything inside the parentheses is called distributing or the distributive property. This property is used to simplify algebraic expressions by multiplying the external number to each term inside the parentheses.

Is the product for multiplication or addition?

A number being multiplied is the "multiplicand"; the number doing the multiplying is the "multiplier", and the answer is called the, "product".

Multiplying and dividing two rlated quantities by the same number is called?

There is no particular name for it. For example, the frequency and wavelength of electromagnetic rays are related, but multiplying them by the same number, or dividing, makes no sense.

What is the result of multiplying numbers called?

The result of multiplying numbers is called the product.

Could you answer Dividing a number by 2.5 is the same as multiplying a number by what?

it is the same as multiplying by 0.4

Multiplying the sum by a number is the same as multiplying each added in the sum by the number and adding the prouducts?

Yes. This is called the distributive property. For example: a(1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n) = 1a + 2a + 3a ... + na

What is it called when you multiply or divide 2 quantities by the same number?

Squaring for multiplying, and if you are dividing by the same number, you get 1

Is multiplying a number by 2 is the same as halving that number?

no, dividing a number is halving it, multiplying iy by 2 is doubling it