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0.5 in each case.

The probability of both happening simultaneously is 1/4

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Q: What is the probability of roling an even number on the number cube and flioing heads on the coin?
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If a coin is tossed then what is the probability that the number is 5?

Coins do not have numbers, there is only the probability of heads or tails.

What is the theoretical probability of throwing a coin and it landing on heads?

Theoretical probability is the number of ways something can occur divided by the total number of outcomes. So, the theoretical probability of throwing a coin and it landing on heads is 1/2 or 0.5 or 50%.

Seven coins are tossed What is the probability of 3 heads or 2 tails?

The probability of one event or the other occurring is the probability of one plus the probability of the other. The probability of getting 3 heads is the probability of 3 heads (1/23) multiplied by the probability of 4 tails (1/24) multiplied by the number of possible ways this could happen. This is 7c3 or 35. Thus the probability of 3 heads is 0.2734375. The probability of 2 tails is the probability of 2 tails (1/22) multiplied by the probability of 5 heads (1/25) multiplied by the number of ways this could happen. That is 7c5 or 21. Thus the probability of 2 tails is 0.1640625 The probability of one or the other is the sum of their probabilities: 0.1640625 + 0.2734375 = 0.4375 Thus the probability of getting 3 heads or 2 tails is 0.4375.

What is an example of relative frequency probability?

Flip a coin 1000 times, counting the number of 'heads' that occur. The relative frequency probability of 'heads' for that coin (aka the empirical probability) would be the count of heads divided by 1000. Please see the link.

Was the outcome of getting heads or tails in the 20 tosses same as the probability ratio?

It depends on what variable the probability ratio was for! The random variable could have been the number of heads minus the number of tails, for example.

How do you calculate experimental probability?

Experimental probability is the number of times some particular outcome occurred divided by the number of trials conducted. For instance, if you threw a coin ten times and got heads seven times, you could say that the experimental probability of heads was 0.7. Contrast this with theoretical probability, which is the (infinitely) long term probability that something will happen a certain way. The theoretical probability of throwing heads on a fair coin, for instance, is 0.5, but the experimental probability will only come close to that if you conduct a large number of trials.

What is the probability of landing on an even number when tossing an 8 sided die and tossing a coin and getting heads?

1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4 1/2= probability of landing an even number 1/2 = probability of landing a heads

Suppose you have an extremely unfair coin the probability of a head is ΒΌ and the probability of a tail is ΒΎ If you toss the coin 32 times how many heads do you expect to see?

Expected number of heads is 1/4 * 32 or 8 heads.

How would you describe the pattern in probability of getting all heads as the number of coin tosses increases?

If the coin is fair, the probability of getting all heads will decrease exponentially towards 0.

An experiment is conducted in which two fair coins are tossed and the number of heads is recorded. The binomial random variable, X, is the number of heads?

thas so true

What is the probability of getting an even number on the number cube and heads on the dime?


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