The probability of rolling 3 ones with 4 dice is:
4C3 (1/6)3 (5/6) = 0.015432098... ≈ 1.54%
The probability of of rolling three ones on three dice is (1 in 6)3, or 1 in 216, or about 0.004630.
The probability of rolling 6 ones with 10 dice is: 10C6 (1/6)6 (5/6)4 = 2.170635034...x 10-3 ≈ 0.22%
The probability is 1/18.
With one roll of three dice, the probability is 7/8.
The probability would be 5/6 for rolling a number other than a 3.
If it is a regular dice then the probability is 3/6 that is 1/2
The probability for dice depends on how many. For a die, it is 1/3.
The probability of NOT rolling a 3 with one die is 5/6 so the probability of NOT rolling a 3 with a roll of two dice is 25/36. The probability of rolling at least one 3 is 1–25/36=11/36, a bit less than 1/3.
The probability of not rolling a sum of six with two fair dice is 1 minus the probability of rolling a sum of six. There are 36 permutations of rolling two dice. Of these, five sum to six, 1+5, 2+4, 3+3, 4+2, and 5+1. The probability, then of rolling a sum of six is 5 in 36. The probability, then of not rolling a sum of six is 31 in 36, or about 0.8611.
There are 36 permutations of rolling two dice. Three of them, (4,6), (5,5), and (6,4) add up to ten. Therefore, the probability of rolling ten on two dice is 3 in 36, or 1 in 12, or about 0.0833.
The probability of rolling a 4 in a die is 1 in 6, or about 0.1667. The probability, then, of rolling a 4 in at least one of two dice rolls is twice that, or 2 in 6, or 0.3333. The probability of rolling a sum of 4 in two dice is 3 in 36, or 1 in 18, or about 0.05556.