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Slope = [Difference in second coordinates of each pair]/[Difference in first coordinates of each pair]

= [7 - 0]/[6 - 0] = 7/6 or 1.166...

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Q: What is the slope of where first set of points is 0 0 and the second set is 6 7?
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Another set of points are needed to work out the slope which is: y1-y2/x1-x2

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Assume that the table shows a set of values for two variables that are linearly related. If these assumptions are false, you cannot do answer the question.Suppose the first set of values is for a variable, x, and the second set is for y.Select any two [ordered] pairs data: (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). Then the slope between these two points is (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) provided x2 ≠ x1. If x2 = x1 then the slope is undefined.

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(5, 5) and (2, 5)Find slope first.m(slope) = Y2 - Y1/X2 - X1m = 5 - 5/2 - 5m = 0=======Now, point slope form. Use set of points; second set will do.Y - Y1 = m(X - X1)Y - 5 = 0(X - 2)Y - 5 = XY = X + 5=======

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There are 3 forms to write the equation of a line point slope y-y1=m(x-x1) for this form you need one set of points and you plug them into x1 and y1 and you need the slope which you plug into m

How do you find the slope of and equation from a table?

The table should give you a set of points. Take two coordinated pairs off the table and use the formula y2 - y1 divided by x2 - x1 (rise over run) to get your slope. Then take the slope and one of your points and plug it into y = mx +b with m being the slope, and b as the y-intercept.

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Suppose the two points are (a,b) and (c,d) then the slope is (b-d)/(c-a). Write that as m. Then the equation of the line is y-b = m(x-a) which can be simplified to y = mx + b-ma

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Just took the vocab test the answer is graph.

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Primitive axes of coordinate (Geometry), that system of axes to which the points of a magnitude are first referred, with reference to a second set or system, to which they are afterward referred.

When a set is said to be proper?

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How do you set points on a ford 302 distributor?

if you googlehow to set points on distributer the first answer is correct, with the cam lobe on the shaft opening the points it should open to 17 thousands

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It is used in set theory and its meaning depends on the way that it is facing. If the open end is to the right then it indicates that the first set is a subset of the second. If the open end is to the left then it indicates that the first set is a superset of the second (the second is a subset of the first).