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Midpoint = (1/2, 2)

Slope or gradient = -13/2

y -2 = -13/2(x -1/2)

y = -13/2x +21/4

Multiply all terms by 4:

4y = -26x +21

Which can be expressed in the form of: 26x +4y -21 = 0

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Q: What is the straight line equation that is a perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the points of 7 3 and -6 1?
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What is a characteristic of a perpendicular bisector?

Given a straight line joining the points A and B, the perpendicular bisector is a straight line that passes through the mid-point of AB and is perpendicular to AB.

What is the locus of points equidistant from two points?

The perpendicular bisector of the straight line joining the two points.

How do you find the midpoint the slope the perpendicular slope and the equation for the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the points of 3 5 and 7 7?

Midpoint = (3+7)/2, (5+7)/2 = (5, 6) Slope of line segment = 7-5 divided by 7-3 = 2/4 = 1/2 Slope of the perpendicular = -2 Equation of the perpendicular bisector: y-y1 = m(x-x1) y-6 =-2(x-5) y = -2x+10+6 Equation of the perpendicular bisector is: y = -2x+16

What is the difference between a perpendicular line and a perpendicular bisector?

A perpendicular line is one that is at right angle to another - usually to a horizontal line. A perpendicular bisector is a line which is perpendicular to the line segment joining two identified points and which divides that segment in two.

What is the equation for the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the points of 3 5 and 7 7?

y = -2x+16 which can be expressed in the form of 2x+y-16 = 0

What are the values of a and b given that y plus 4x equals 11 is the perpendicular bisector equation of the line joining a 2 to 6 b?

Their values work out as: a = -2 and b = 4

How do you form an equation for the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining -2 5 to -8 -3?

First find the midpoint of (-2, 5) and (-8, -3) which is (-5, 1) Then find the slope of (-2, 5) and (-8, -3) which is 4/3 Slope of the perpendicular bisector is the negative reciprocal of 4/3 which is -3/4 Now form an equation of the straight line with a slope of -3/4 passing through the point (-5, 1) using the formula y-y1 = m(x-x1) The equation works out as: 3x+4y+11 = 0

What describes the Locus of all points that are equidistant from 2 lines?

The perpendicular bisector of the line joining the two points.

What is the perpendicular bisector equation joining the line segment of -2 plus 5 and -8 -3 giving brief details?

Points: (-2, 5) and (-8, -3) Midpoint: (-5, 1) Slope: 4/3 Perpendicular slope: -3/4 Use: y-1 = -3/4(x--5) Bisector equation: y = -3/4x-11/4 or as 3x+4y+11 = 0

What is the perpendicular bisector equation joining the points of s 2s and 3s 8s on the Cartesian plane showing work?

Points: (s, 2s) and (3s, 8s) Slope: (8s-2s)/(3s-s) = 6s/2s = 3 Perpendicular slope: -1/3 Midpoint: (s+3s)/2 and (2s+8s)/2 = (2s, 5s) Equation: y-5s = -1/3(x-2s) => 3y-15s = -1(x-2s) => 3y = -x+17x Perpendicular bisector equation in its general form: x+3y-17s = 0

How do you form an equation for the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the points of p q and 7p 3q showing all details of your work?

First find the midpoint the slope and the perpendicular slope of the points of (p, q) and (7p, 3q) Midpoint = (7p+p)/2 and (3q+q)/2 = (4p, 2q) Slope = (3q-q)/(7p-p) = 2q/6p = q/3p Slope of the perpendicular is the negative reciprocal of q/3p which is -3p/q From the above information form an equation for the perpendicular bisector using the straight line formula of y-y1 = m(x-x1) y-2q = -3p/q(x-4p) y-2q = -3px/q+12p2/q y = -3px/q+12p2/q+2q Multiply all terms by q and the perpendicular bisector equation can then be expressed in the form of:- 3px+qy-12p2-2q2 = 0

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Draw a line from any part on the outside of a circle to the exact center of the circle. * * * * * That is fine if you know where the center is but not much use if you are just given a circle and do not know where the exact centre is. In this case: Draw a chord - a straight line joining any two points on the circumference of the circle. Then draw the perpendicular bisector of the chord. Draw another chord and its perpendicular bisector. The two perpendicular bisectors will meet at the centre.