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Q: What is the straight lines out of a sun called?
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What are straight lines that never cross called?

Straight lines that never cross are called parallel lines.

What does the sun's rays shine in a straight line?

the travel in straight lines because of the atomsphe

What are two straight lines called?

Two straight lines that remain equal distance apart are parallel lines.

What is the 2 or more straight lines meet is called?

When 2 or more straight lines meet...the point where they meet is called the point of intersection

What is a shape with 4 straight lines and 2 parallel lines and 2 unparalleled lines?

A shape with 4 straight lines in which there are 2 parallel and 2 unparallel lines is called a Trapezium.

What is the figure enclosed by straight lines called?

A polygon.

What do we called a figure formed by 2 straight lines?

Perpendicular lines or parallel lines are two examples

When two straight lines meet at a point what is it called?

an intersection

What is it called when light waves that travel in straight lines?

The phenomenon where light waves travel in straight lines is called rectilinear propagation. This means that light travels in a straight path unless it encounters a medium that causes it to change direction.

What are straight lines crossing over each other called?

Intersecting Lines. Two lines next to each other but go straight and never meet are called parallel lines. Perpendicular is when two lines cross right into the middle and makes 4 right angles (90 degrees). you!! :)

Straight line that never curves?

yes their is it is called a paralel two straight lines never meet

What is it called when a group of rays are travelling in straight lines?

Beam of light