

What is the sum of 32 and 8?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is the sum of 32 and 8?
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The answer is -32 Sum of -16+8 = -8 Half of -8 = -4 Sum of -5+9 = 4 Twice of 4 = 8 Product = 8*(-4) = -32

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The numbers 32 and 1 (32 x 1 = 32) sum to 33. The numbers 4 and 8 (4 x 8 = 32) sum to 12 The numbers 2 and 16 (2 x 16 = 32) sum to 18. There are no other factors which are integers, so 32 and 1 is the answer.

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The numbers 4 and 8 (4 x 8 = 32) sum to 12. The numbers 2 and 16 (2 x 16 = 32) sum to 18. There are no other factors which are integers, so 4 and 8 is the answer.

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(8*4) + (8-4) = 32 + 4 = 36 ^ ^ sum ^ product and difference

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32 + 20 = 4 x (8 + 5)

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It is: 8+16+24+32 = 80

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8 and 4

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24 and 32

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(4 x 8) + (7 x 8 ) = 11 x 8 = 88

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First sum all of the numbers: 16+32+8+8+16+24+24+48 = 176 Divide the sum by the total number of numbers in the list, in this case it is 8. So the mean is 176/8 or 22.