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Q: What is the triangles name if two of the angles are 15 and 47 degrees?
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Using indirect reasoning to show that a triangle cannot have two right angles?

Triangles total 180 degrees. Triangles have three angles. Two angles of 90 degrees total 180 degrees.

Can a triangle have two angles?

No, a triangle cannot have two angles. Triangles always have three sides and three angles that add up to 180 degrees.

In the two triangles below all angles equal 60 degrees Are the two triangles congruent?

not enough information

In the two triangles all angles equal 60 degrees and AB equals EF Are the two triangles congruent?


Why is the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral 360 degrees?

This result follows from the theorem that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. Drawing a diagonal in the quadrilateral splits it into two triangles and the angles of the triangles together combine to form the angles of the quadrilateral.

How do the angles inside a quadrilateral add up to 360?

If you cut any quadrilateral along one of its diagonals, the figures formed are two triangles. Since the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees, then the sum of the angles of two triangles is 2(180) = 360 degrees. For this reason, the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is 360 degrees.

What is the sum of the angles in a four sided shape?

The sum of the angles of a four sided shape is equal to 360 degrees. One way to prove this is to draw a diagonal line connecting two opposite vertices, resulting in two triangles. Since the sum of the angles of a triangle equal 180 degrees, and there are two resulting triangles, then the sum of the angles of two triangles (180 + 180) will equal 360 degrees. Frank

What does all the triangles look like and what type of triangle are they?

There are infinitely many types of triangles, and they can be classified according to their angles or sides (or both). Equilateral (equiangular triangles): All sides equal, all angles 60 degrees. Obtuse angled isosceles triangles: Two sides equal; one angle > 90deg. Right angled isosceles triangles: Two sides equal; angles of 90, 45, 45 degrees. Other isosceles triangle: Two sides equal; angles of 180-2x, x, x degrees. Obtuse angled scalene triangles: All sides unequal, one angle > 90 degrees. Right angled scalene triangles: All sides unequal, one angle = 90 degrees. Acute angled scalene triangles: All sides unequal, all angles < 90 degrees.

Do all right triangles have acute angles?

All right angle triangles have a 90 degree angle and two acute angles that add up to 90 degrees

Do triangles have two obtuse angles?

No. All angles in a triangle must add up to 180 degrees. An obtuse angle is over 90 degrees. So, two obtuse angles would put you at 182 degrees, minimum.

What is the name of a triangle with 2 equal angles?

An Isosceles triangles has two equal angles :)

How are isoseles triangles and equilateral trangles alike and different?

They are both triangles that have interior degrees of 180 and exterior degrees of 360. An equilateral has three equal sides and three equal angles. An isosceles has two equal sides and two equal angles.