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The median.

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Q: What is the value that is greater than half of the values and lesser than the remaining half?
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What are the two rules for adding integers?

If the signs are the same, add the absolute values and keep the sign. If the signs are different, subtract the lesser absolute value from the greater absolute value and keep the sign of the number with the greater absolute value.

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Is the dose 0.5 ml the same as 25ml?

ml is the unit of the liquid. Since here both the values are in ml they cannot be same. So the bigger value is a greater value. So .5ml is lesser than 25ml.

Is x greater or lesser than 29?

That will depend entirely on the value of x

Which value shows a greater probability that the result did not occur by chance 0.05 or 0.001?

In the context of significance tests, the value of 0.001 indicates a lesser likelihood that the event occurred by chance, that is a greater probability that it did not occur by chance.In the context of significance tests, the value of 0.001 indicates a lesser likelihood that the event occurred by chance, that is a greater probability that it did not occur by chance.In the context of significance tests, the value of 0.001 indicates a lesser likelihood that the event occurred by chance, that is a greater probability that it did not occur by chance.In the context of significance tests, the value of 0.001 indicates a lesser likelihood that the event occurred by chance, that is a greater probability that it did not occur by chance.

What is the median of a set of values?

the median is a value of which half of all the values are less than, and half of all the values are greater than.

Is negative 8 bigger than negative 0.25?

No. The greater the numerical value after the negative sign, the lesser the value of the negative number.

What does a greater than sign look like?

In mathematics, when we comparing two values if any of the value has a larger value then the sign greater than is used for differentiating that the value is greater than the another value. > is the greater than sign, as in If x is greater than y,then x>y

What do positive and negative values mean?

A positive value is a value that is greater than zero. A negative value is a value that is less than zero.

What are not a possible value for a probability?

Negative values, values greater than 1, complex values.

When the numerator is greater than the denominator what do you notice about the values for decimal and percent?

The decimal value will be greater than 1, and the percent will be greater than 100%.

What is greater than the number in a pair?

The value of the sum of their absolute values is one possible answer.