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Q: What is the volume to the surface area ratio of a cone?
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A circular cone has a height of 17 mm and a slant height of 21mmfind the volume and the total surface area of the cone?

A circular cone has a height of 17mm and slant height of 21mm.find (1) the volume (2) the total surface area, of the cone the total surface area, of the cone Help me please Thank

What is the answer to this question when the curved surface area of a cone is 814sqcm total surface area is 1584sqcm find the volume of the cone?

Use a calculator and you'll get yurh answer

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Some of many examples are:- Finding the circumference of a circle Finding the area of a circle Finding the surface area of a sphere Finding the volume of a sphere Finding the surface area of a cylinder Finding the volume of a cylinder Finding the volume of a cone Finding the surface area of a cone

What is the formula of finding the height of a cone?

It depends on what information you have: its radius and slant height, radius and volume, radius and surface area, surface area and volume, etc.

What is the volume of a cone if the curved surface area of the cone is 550 cm and its height is 25 cm?

Volume of a cone in cubic units = 1/3*pi*radius squared*height

What is the formula to find slant height of cone and curved surface area of cone and volume of a cone?

The answer is squareroot r2+h2 squareroot radiusxradius + heightxheight

The surface area formula for a right cone is the same as the surface area formula for an oblique cone?

False. The surface area formula for a right cone is not the same as the surface area formula for an oblique cone.

Can someone give you the surface area and volume formula of a truncated cone in an easy to understand way please?


What is the total area of a cone with a volume of 2560 cm3 and a height of 30 cm?

The total curved surface area is 888.5 cm2

Is the lateral surface area of cone is always one-third of cylinder's?

No, it never can equal one third of the lateral surface area:If the base of the cylinder and cone has radius r, and the height of the cone and cylinder has height h, then:Lateral surface area of a cone = πr√(r2+h2)Lateral surface area of a cylinder = 2πrhThe lateral surface area of a cone equals one third the lateral surface area of a cone when:πr√(r2+h2) = 1/3 x 2πrh⇒ √(r2+h2) = 2/3h⇒ r2+h2 = 4/9h2⇒ r2 = -5/9h2But a square number can never be negative, so this is impossible.However, the volume of a cone is one third the volume of the cylinder with the same radius r and height h:Volume cone = 1/3πr2hVolume cylinder = πr2h

How do you calculate volume of concrete placed in slump cone?

Calculate the volume of full cone. For this you need to reproduce the cone surface upto the point where radius becomes zero.Then deduct the volume of the portion which is cut from the full volume. You can't multiply the height to the average of bottom area and top area. Because area (pi.r^2) is the second degree function of radius, not first degree.

Surface area of a right cone?

The surface area of a right cone is the amount of square units that is needed to cover the surface of a cone. To find a surface area of a right cone , follow this formula S.A = 3.14rl + 3.14r(r) I hope it helped you.