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The wavelength would be

12/3 x 10-15 x speed of the wave.

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Q: What is the wavelength that corresponds to a frequency of 6.00 x 10 14 Hz?
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What is the wavelength that corresponds to a frequency of 6.00 x 10-14 Hz?

Frequency = 6.00 x 10-14 Hz Wavelength = (speed) /(frequency) -- If this wave is sound in air, then the speed is 343 m/s and the wavelength is 5.72 x 1012 kilometers. -- If this is an electromagnetic wave in vacuum, then the speed is 299,792,458 m/s and the wavelength is 5 x 1018 kilometers.

What frequency corresponds to 9.3MM?

Assuming you are reffering to electromagnetic radiation, i.e. light, the formula for this is simply frequency*wavelength = speed (in this case a constant, the speed of light). Then, frequency = (speed of light) / wavelength, speed of light ~= 3 * 10^8 meters / second, and wavelength = 9.3 mm = 9.3 * 10^-3 m. Therefore frequency ~= (3 * 10^8) / (9.3 * 10^-3) = 27.9 * 10^5 Hz = 2.79 MHz, where 1 Hz = 1 / seconds.

If a wave has a wavelength of 10 mm and a frequency of 5.0 hertz what is the speed?

Wavelength= 10 mm. Frequency= 5.0 hertz. Speed= 50 mm/second (wavelength x frequency)

A wave with a frequency of 0.5 Hz and a speed of 10 has a wavelength of?

Wavelength = (speed) divided by (frequency) = 10/0.5 = 20

What frequency have the shortest wavelength?

For light they would be gamma rays, or waves with a frequency greater than 1 * 10^20 (10000000000000000000) Hz. And really, as a general rule, the higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength. If you want to calculate the frequency or wavelength you take the speed of light (~3.00*10^8 m/s) and divide it by either the frequency or wavelength, and your answer will be the wavelength (if you used frequency) or the frequency (if you used wavelength).

What is a mathematical relationship between frequency wavelength and wave speed?

wl= v/fwhere wl = wavelength (m)v = velocity (m/s)f = frequency (Hz)there forwhen wl = 1 mand v = 10 m/sf = v/wlf= 10/1f= 10 hz(For wavelength traditional character is lambda)

What is the wavelength of a wave with a speed of 30 meters per second and a frequency of 10 hertz?

Wavelength = speed/frequency = 30/10 = 3 meters

What is the frequency of an electromagnetic wave that has a wavelength of 300000 kilometers?

The formula related to frequency and wavelength is Wavelength = 300000000 / Frequency (f) Wavelength = 300000000 / 30000000000 Wavelength = 1/100 Wavelength = 0.01 meter OR Wavelength = 10 milimeter

If the frequency of a sound wave is multiplied by ten what happens to the wave length?

it gets divided by 10; frequency = speed/wavelength; wavelength = speed/frequency

What is the wavelength of an earthquake wave if it has a speed of 5km s and a frequency of 10 Hz?

Wavelength = (speed) / (frequency) = (5,000) / (10) = 500 meters = 0.5 km.

What is the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave that travels 3 x 10 and has a frequency of 4 x 10?

wavelength=velocity/frequency (v/f). wavelength=(3x10/4x10)=30/40=.75 meters