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40kg of mass, 400 (approx) N of weight.

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Q: What is your weight and mass on earth if you way 40 kg?
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What is the weight in newtons for lily lightweight who has a mass of 40 kg?

What planet are you on? I don't mean to be a wise-ass, but weight depends upon the acceleration of gravity, which is different on different planets, whereas mass is the same no matter where you are. On the surface of the Earth, the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2, so a 40-kg mass will weigh 40 x 9.8 = 392 newtons.

What is the weight of an object of mass 40 kg?

You need to multiply the mass with the value of gravity; near Earth's surface that value is approximately 9.8 newton/kilogram.

How much does 40 kg weigh on earth in newtons?

The 40kg student's force (weight) on Earth is about 392.28 newtons. (Force = mass x acceleration). Earth's acceleration is 9.807 meters per second squared.

How many pounds does40 kg equal in pounds?

On Earth, 40 kg of mass weighs 88.185 pounds. (rounded) In other places, the same 40 kg has a different weight in pounds.

What has more density and mass 40 grams of cotton balls or a 40 gram rock?

They both have the same mass, however their weight is different. Since the 40 g rock has more density it would have more weight.

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If your mass has 40 kg on earth what is your mass on moon

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If your mass has 40 kg on earth what is your mass on moon

What is the mass of forty kilogram?

40 kg IS a measurement of mass. In avoirdupois weight that's 88 lbs.

Which two elemens have the mass number of 40?

Exactly 40, any element. Atomic weight of Argon: 39,948 Atomic weight of Calcium: 40,078

What is the weight of a 40 kg object on the moon?

What is the mass of an object weighing 100N and is moving at 40 m per s?

An object that weighs 100 newtons on or near the Earth's surface has about 10.197 kilograms of mass. It doesn't matter whether it's moving or at rest, or what its speed is. Its motion has no effect on its mass or weight.

What is the weight of an oject that has a mass of 40kg?

Weight(W)=mass(M)* acceleration due to gravity(g) which is =9.8ms^2 therefore,weight of 40kg is w=40 * 9.8 w=392N