

What kind of triangles have 2 sides?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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None because all triangles have 3 sides

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Q: What kind of triangles have 2 sides?
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What kind of triangles have 2 congruent sides?

an isosceles trianlgle

What kind of triangles has only 2 equal sides?

isosceles triangle has only 2 equal sides.

Can equilateral triangles be isosceles triangles?

no. Equilateral triangles have all equal sides. Isoceles triangles only have 2 congruent sides. Isosceles triangles have 2 equal sides.

What is a triangle called with 2 congurent sides?

isosceles triangles have 2 congruent sides scalene triangles have no congruent sides equilateral triangles have 3 congruent sides

Does a triangle have 2 congruent sides?

Some, but not all. Triangles with 2 congruent sides are called isoceles triangles. Triangles with 3 congruent sides are called equilateral triangles.

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Two triangles

What kind of triangles have no equal sides?

A scalene triangle is a triangle with no equal sides

How are equilateral triangles and isosceles triangles different?

Equilateral triangles have 3 equal sides whereas isosceles triangles have only 2 equal sides

How many triangles are formed by drawing diagonals from one vertex of a polygon with fifty sides?

use the formula s-2 (s=sides) there are 2 triangles in a square, which has 4 sides:4-2=2 there are 3 triangles in a pentagon, which has 5 sides:5-2=3 so, there should be 48 triangles in a shape with 50 sides:50-2=48

Which types of triangles can have 2 or more sides with equal lengths?

All triangles have 3 sides but an isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides and an equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides.

What is the pattern linking the number of sides to the number of triangles?

number of sides minus 2 = number of interior triangles

What are the three kinds of triangles according to the no of sides?

All triangles have exactly three sides. If the number of sides were anything other than three there would not be a triangle - of any kind.