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It is the volume of a cuboid.

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Formulas for surface area and volume?

Volume= L*W*H l=length W=width H=height

How do you find the area and volume of a right rectangular prism?

If the length, width and height are L, W and H units repectively thenArea = 2*(L*W + W*H + H*L) square units and Volume = L*W*H cubic units.

What do you use to find the volume of a rectangle?

A = Area V = Volume l = length w = width h = height A rectangle is 2D and has AREA not volume. A = (l)(w) A rectangular prism is 3D and has VOLUME. V = (l)(w)(h)

What is formula volume?

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What is the volume of the inside of a car if the l is 3550 and h is 1485 and w is 1495?

Volume equals l x h x w, so get your calculator and figure it out.

Why does volume divided by area equal height?

V= l * w * h since A= l * w V= A * h therefore h= V/A

What is the formula to find the volume of a triangular prism?

The answer is (.5(W*H))/L, when W= Width H= Height L= Length

How has the volume changed if the sides on a cube are doubled?

If every side (face) of the cube is doubled (meaning both width and height of cube are doubled), then the volume is increased by a factor of 8. In other words: If v is the original volume... v = l * w * h and length (l), width (w), and height (h) all double, (V is the new volume V = (2 * l) * (2 * w) * (2 * h) = l * w * h * 2 * 2 * 2 = l * w * h * 8 = v * 8

Why can the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism also be written as V L x W x H?

The volume V of a rectangular prism is length L x width W x height H V = L x W x H

Formula to find volume of the rectangular?


Voume for a cube?

Volume of a cube = L × W × H

The formula for findding volume of the cuboid is?

If its length is l and its width is w and its height is h, its volume is l x w x h. (length times width times hight)