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Q: What must be true about the dimensions of two matrices to calculate the product?
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What is the condition for the addition of matrices?

The matrices must have the same dimensions.

What must be true in order to add matrices?

They must have the same dimensions.

Can you multiply a 2x2 matrices?

You can definitely multiply 2x2 matrices with each other. In fact you can multiply a AxB matrix with a BxC matrix, where A, B, and C are natural numbers. That is, the number of columns of the first matrix must equal the number of rows of the second matrix--we call this "inner dimensions must match."

What is the quality of a method that can be used in a variety of matrices?

The method must be of pretty high quality if it can be used for a variety of matrices.

Find the volume of a rectangle?

To calculate the volume of a rectangle, you must multiply the length, the width, and the height--so the volume depends on the dimensions.

Addition of two matrices?

The two matrices and their answer must be of the same dimensions. Each element of the answer matrix is the sum of the elements in the corresponding elements on the matrices that are being added. In algebraic form, if A = {aij} where 1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ n is an mxn matrix B = {bij} where 1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ n is an mxn matrix and C = {cij} = A + B, then C is an mxn matrix and cij = aij + bij for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ n

What makes two matrices equal?

two matrices are normally considered equal only if they are identical. In other words, every element in the matrix must be equal to the corresponding element in the other matrix.

How do you find the area of a triangle if you have no height?

You must seek the cooperation of an associate, one with greater stature who is able to position himself above the triangle, and enlist his help in viewing it from above and reporting its dimensions to you. With that information in mind, you can then calculate one half of the product of the triangle's base and height, and thus derive its area.

What is the length of rectengle is 47cm the width is 38mm before you calculate the area mustbe soething?

Before doing any calculations the dimensions must be in the same units of measurements.

What is the use of matrices in engineering?

Matrices are a vital mathematical tool for calculating forces, vectors, tensions, masses, loads and a myriad of other factors that must be accounted for in engineering to ensure a safe and resource-efficient structure.

Must two quantities have the same dimensions?

If you intend 'dimensions' to mean units then whenever the two quantities are to be operated on each other then they must have the 'dimensions', refer to dimensional analysis

How do you calculate dimensions of a rectangle when given diagonal?

You don't - you need additional information. Many different rectangles can have the same diagonal. If you know the diagonal and one side (which must be LESS than the diagonal), you can use Pythagoras' Theorem to calculate the other side.