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You don't - you need additional information. Many different rectangles can have the same diagonal. If you know the diagonal and one side (which must be LESS than the diagonal), you can use Pythagoras' Theorem to calculate the other side.

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Q: How do you calculate dimensions of a rectangle when given diagonal?
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How long is the diagonal of a rectangle with the dimentions of 12ft by 4ft by 8ft?

The dimensions given appear to describe a rectangular box, with 3 separate pairs of rectangles: 4X8 -> Diagonal is 8.944 ft 4X12 -> Diagonal is 12.649 ft 8X12 -> Diagonal is 14.422 ft

What is A rectangle has dimensions 7 ft x 12 ft Which of the dimensions describe a rectangle that is similar to this rectangle?

That depends on the given dimensions which are not in the question.

What is the area of rectangle that is 3cm by 12cm by 11cm by 2cm?

A rectangle can have only 2 dimensions and so finding the area from the given 4 dimensions has many possibilities.

How do you work out the diameter of a rectangle?

The diameter of a rectangle is the same as its diagonal (angle in a semicircle is a right angle). So the diagonal forms a right angled triangle with the diagonal as the hypotenuse and two sides of the rectangle (a length and a breadth) forming the legs of the triangle. If the lengths of the sides of the rectangle are known, a simple application of Pythagoras's theorem given the measure of the diagonal.

How do you calculate the sides of a parallelogram given the height and longer diagonal?

The height and longer diagonal do not provide enough information to calculate the sides.

What is the area of the garden patch in square feet If a rectangular garden patch is protected by a 40-foot-long fence?

You CAN'T calculate the surface area of a rectangle, given only its perimeter. The answer varies, depending on the length-to-width ratio of the rectangle. Thus, you would need some additional information; for example one of the following:* The length * The width * The length-to-width ratio * The length of the diagonal * Some other data that will let you calculate the remaining information about the rectangle.

What is the surface area of a rectangle that is 28cm x 12cm x 24cm?

We can't calculate anything regarding the rectangle, as there's a strong indication that there must be something fishy about it. A rectangle has only two dimensions, and we can't imagine what to do with the three numbers given for the rectangle in the question.

How do you calculate the dimension of a rectangle?

The dimensions of a rectangle, usually, refer to the length of the external sides. Calculation is not necessary in most cases, measurement is. Calculation is necessary when for instance you are given a set of dimensions and asked a question related to that information examples are; What is the area of a rectangle that is 4 x 4 units What is the length of the other side of a rectangle if one side is 2 and the area is 12

How do you find the length of rectangle diagonally by using the area given?

You can't. Suppose for instance your rectangle is 1xA, then the diagonal length is sqrt(1+A**2). But if your rectangle is sqrt(A)xsqrt(A) then your diagonal length is sqrt(2*A). The only thing one can say for sure is that the diagonal length is at least sqrt(2*A).

Can 1 meter squared of paper cover a rectangle that is 24cm x 28cm x 12cm?

We can't calculate anything regarding the rectangle, as there's a strong indication that there has to be something fishy about it. A rectangle has only two dimensions, and we can't imagine what to do with the three numbers given for the rectangle in the question.

How do you find the area of a rectangle when one diagonal is given?

Divide the rectangle in two triangles and then use the pythagorean theorem to find the remaining sides.

Given a nonagon has a area of 234.30 . And what is the dimensions of rectangle if the area of rectangle is equal to the area of nonagon?

The area of a rectangle does provide enough information about its dimensions. It is possible fo the rectangle to be long and narrow or squat and short (almost square).