

What numbers has three factors between 12 and40?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What numbers has three factors between 12 and40?
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Three numbers.

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Squares of prime numbers have only three factors.

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Factors don't have numbers. Numbers have factors. Numbers that have the factors 2, 4 and 8 are 8 and all of its multiples.

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Numbers with exactly three factors are squares of prime numbers.

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The numbers with only three factors are squares of prime numbers.

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Squares of prime numbers have exactly three factors.

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There are three numbers that fit those requirements.

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There are no prime numbers with three factors. By definition, a prime number has exactly two factors - 1 and itself.

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A prime number has no other factors except itself and 1. There are three numbers between 80 and 100 that are prime: 83, 89 and 97.