The relationship between fractions and decimals can be seen as follow. Fractions can be represented as ratio of two numbers and on dividing can give a decimal value. And decimal value can be converted into a fraction too.
Divide the denominator into the numerator. If the answers are the same decimal, the fractions are equivalent.
You turn the decimal into a fraction. Then you can find the equivalent fraction.
NoImproved Answer:-Yes equivalent fractions can be converted into identical decimals.
The three fractions whose decimal equivalent is 0.40 are 4/10. 8/20 and 16/40. There are many more fractions that would have the same decimal result.
Five hundredths is equivalent to the decimal fraction 0.05. This is because the decimal point is placed two places to the left of the last digit in the number (5), representing the value of five hundredths in the decimal system.
The decimal conversion of the equivalent fractions of 3/4 should be equal to 0.75.
One way to do it is to convert them to decimals by performing the division. Equivalent fractions become the same decimal.
4.2 is the equivalent decimal fraction.
You first convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator. Or you convert them to decimal fractions.
0.25 is a decimal number. In fractions it is the equivalent of 1/4.