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It depends on what two numbers you have together and what mathematical operation you are applying and much greater one number is that the other number and if those numbers are positive or negative.

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Q: What sign is it if you have two numbers together?
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The product of the two numbers is them multiplied together.

What symbol would you use to add two numbers together?

The plus sign, +, is used to add two numbers together. It is one of the four basic arithmetic operations along with:Subtract, -Multiplication, x or *Division, / or ÷

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If you multiply together two numbers with the same sign (i.e. two positives or two negatives) then your answer will always be a positive number.For example, 2 * 2 = 4 and -2 * -2 = 4.

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Add the number together and give the answer the same sign as the numbers.

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3 negative and 6 positive numbers are multiplied together. the sign of the product is?

Negative. Positives always give positive sign, two of the negatives cancel out, leave one negative sign.

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The sum of two numbers has the same sign as the one whose magnitude is larger.

What is product of two numbers?

The product of two numbers is the answer to multiplying the two numbers together.

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5 and -3

Product of two numbers?

Is the result of multiplying two numbers together.

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Count the number of negative numbers. If this is an even number, the sign is + and if it is odd, the sign is -.