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Q: What term is used for Numbers that are easy to divide mentally?
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What term describes Numbers that are easy to compute mentally?

compatible numbers

What is 63 over 90 in the lowest term?

Both numbers divide by 9 to give 7/10

When in a word problem and it uses the words how many does it mean to divide?

When you have a word problem where the numbers are expressed in words, the term "divided by" is usually a reference to what you need to divide.

Example of the math term mean?

It is an average you sum up the set of numbers and then divide by the number of numbers in the set 1,2,2,2,3,8,5,9 = 32 /8 = 4

What does the term average in Math means?

The term average (which can also be referred to as the mean) is where you add all of the numbers in a set and divide by how many numbers there are. For example, the average of 2, 3, 5, and 6. First, add all of the numbers. 2+3 = 5 5+5 = 10 10+6 = 16 or... 2+3+5+6 = 16 Lastly, you divide by the amount of numbers in the set. In this example, there are four numbers. Now, you divide by the total by the amount of numbers. 16/4 This equals 4, and you have your average (or mean)!

What does mean in mathematics term?

add al the numbers together and then divide with the amount of numbers you started with

What is the definition of 'mentally'?

The term 'mentally' can simply be defined as of or relating to an individuals brain or mind. The word mentally is used in many different phrases just as 'mentally ill'.

Is three fifths a lowest term?

Yes. Because you can no longer divide the numorator and the denominator by a number because they are prime numbers

How do you reduce fraction to lowest term?

if both numbers can be divided by the same number. you must find all of the dividing things or else it is not lowest term. but not divide by one

How do you reduce the fraction 96 over 128 to its lowest term?

Divide those numbers by their GCF, which is 32. You should get 3/4

What is the term for mentally harassing someone?

Psychological Abuse

What does the math term out of mean?

Mean is the average of numbers. For example, if you were trying to get the mean of 24 and 12, you would first add the numbers (which is 36) and you divide them by how many numbers are in the problem (which is 2). So the answer would be 18.