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It is a rational number.

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Q: What type of number is the sum of any whole number and any rational number?
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What type of number is 0.25 is is a whole number?

0.25 is a rational fractional number expressed in decimal form. It is not a whole number of any type.

Why is any whole number rational?

-- Any number that can be written as the ratio of two whole numbers is a rational number.-- Any whole number can be written as the ratio of that number to ' 1 ', so it's rational.

What is the relationship between whole numbers and rational numbers?

-- Every whole number is a rational number. -- Any whole number divided by any whole number (except zero) produces a rational number.

What is a number that can be a rational number and a whole number?

All whole numbers are rational.

Is 311 a rational or irrational number any why?

It is a whole number so it is rational.

Why is a whole number rational?

Yes, all whole numbers (integers) are rational. Please note though that not all rational numbers are integers.

Is 161616 a rational number?

A rational number is a number that can be represented as a fraction: numerator/denominator. Any whole number is rational, since {number} = {number}/1. Since 161616 is a whole number, it is rational.

Is all rational numbers whole numbers?

Any number that can be expressed as a fraction is a rational number which includes whole numbers

Can fractions be rational?

Yes. In fact, most factions are rational. For example, 4/5 is rational, 9/234 is rational, 1/998001 is rational, any whole number over a whole number is rational.

What Whole number is a subset of rational numbers?

A whole number is not a set of any kind and so cannot be a subset of rational numbers.

How do you determine if eleven out of twenty is a rational or irrational number?

All whole numbers are rational. Any rational number divided by another (non-zero) rational number is a rational number.

Why is negative 8 a rational number?

Any whole number can be written as a fraction, with the whole number in the numerator, and the number one in the denominator. Compare this to the definition of "rational number".