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Q: When a cube is cut in half what shapes would it create?
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What possible 3D shapes can be made by cutting a cuboid in half?

The shape you will get if you cut a cuboid in half is a cube.

What is the volume of one half of the cube?

The volume of a cube is x3 where x is the side length. Therefore the volume of half a cube would be x3/2. For instance, if the side length of a cube was 2cm, the volume of one half would be 23/2 which comes out at 4cm3

What solid figure would you get if you cut a cube in half?

Depends where you make the cut Across the planes it is a CUBOID Across the corners it is PYRAMID .

What is half a cube called?

half of a cube is called a tetrahedron

What is the mass of one half of the cube?

It will be half the mass of the whole cube.

How many one- half inch cubes can fill a 1 inch cube?

Eight half inch cubes would fill a one inch cube.

If a wooden cube is cut in half and painte red what would this be?

It would be a red Pyramid.

What shapes would be formed by splitting a rectangle in half?

all types

Which ice cube melts faster square or halfmoon?

If the volume of the two shapes were the same, I would expect the half-moon to melt faster since the surface area of this shape is larger. This would expose comparitively more water molecules to the air around it, hastening the melting process.

What does one -half cube mean?

It could mean a cube tat has been cut into a half so that it is a cuboid. Or, it could mean a cube, each of whose sides is half a unit.

Is derivative of cube volume surface area of the cube?

No, it is not. It is half of it.

Why is the half cube has more surface area than cube?
