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if your negative number is higher than your positive number your sum will be negative. if it is 0 i think that's pretty easy to find out yourself.

ex: -5-3 = -8

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Q: When adding two integers how can you tell if a sum will be positive negative or zero without actually adding?
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Without actually multiplying how can you decide whether the product of two integers is positive negative or 0?

the answer is a positive because two negative or two positive is always positive.

Are negative numbers integers?

Integers can be negative or positive numbers providing that they are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.

How do you know the opposites and absolute values of integers?

opposites: if it is a negative, make it a positive. if it is a positive, make it a negative absolute value: take the number without any sign. if it is negative, make it positive. if it is positive, keep it as a positive,

I don't understand how to do integers?

Integers are the natural numbers (positive and negative) that can be written without a decimal or a fraction attached.see

How do you add negative integers without using the number line?

if they are both negative, add like they are positive numbers, but just add the negative sign.

Are all whole numbers positive numbers?

Yes, EXCEPT for the number 0. It is a whole number but is not positive or negative. Real Numbers - Everything I. Rational Numbers- Any number except for non terminating decimals A. Integers- Any negative or positive number...not a decimal1. Whole Numbers- Any positive integer INCLUDING ZEROa. Natural Numbers- Any positive integer (NOT INCLUDING ZERO) The answer is not entirely correct, Whole numbers are numbers without a fractional part or decimal point. Therefore whole numbers can be negative as well as positive. -2 is a whole number but is not positive. There are a number of different interpretations for whole numbers, from non-negative integers, positive integers and all integers (which includes negative integers)

Why isn't 0 a whole number?

Actually it is. Well, it depends what definition of "whole number" you use. Some definitions include only positive integers, some use it as a synonym of "integers". Therefore, due to this ambiguity, the phrase "whole numbers" would better be avoided in math. Rather, use words or phrases like "integers", "positive integers", or "non-negative integers", to convey the exact meaning, without ambiguity.

Define what are the integers?

Positive integers are all the whole numbers greater than zero: 1, 2, 3, 4,5,... and negative integers are-1.-2,-3.-4,-5,.... The integers are the union of the positive integers, the negative integers and 0. Integers are numbers that can be written without a fractional or decimal component, and fall within the set {... −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, ...}. A third definition is the integers are the union of the natural numbers, their negatives, and 0.

How is adding integers similar to adding whole numbers?

Integers include 0, the negative numbers without fractional parts, and the positive numbers without fractional parts. The "without fractional parts" part of the description implies that all of the integers are whole numbers. Therefore, if you are adding integers, you are adding whole numbers.

Is -5 an integers?

yes integers include positive and negative numbers.

Decide whether the sum will be positive or negative without actually calculating the sum -4+-12?

It will be negative thus -16

How can you tell whether the sum of 71 and 43 is a positive or negative without actually finding the sum?

The sum of two positive numbers is always positive.