Yes, EXCEPT for the number 0. It is a whole number but is not positive or negative.
Real Numbers - Everything
I. Rational Numbers- Any number except for non terminating decimals
A. Integers- Any negative or positive number...not a decimal1. Whole Numbers- Any positive integer INCLUDING ZEROa. Natural Numbers- Any positive integer (NOT INCLUDING ZERO)
The answer is not entirely correct, Whole numbers are numbers without a fractional part or decimal point.
Therefore whole numbers can be negative as well as positive. -2 is a whole number but is not positive.
There are a number of different interpretations for whole numbers, from non-negative integers, positive integers and all integers (which includes negative integers)
Yes, if all of the whole numbers are positive ones.
an infinite number. integers are all whole numbers, negative numbers and positive numbers.
Yes, 102 is a whole number. Whole numbers are all the positive integers from 0 upwards, including zero and all the positive integers without any fractions or decimals. In this case, 102 is a positive integer without any fractions or decimals, so it falls under the category of whole numbers.
Whole numbers are positive numbers and there are no fractions or decimals.
Numbers that are positive and whole. Natural numbers.
No. One half is positive but not whole.
Yes, if all of the whole numbers are positive ones.
Any positive number. Whole numbers are all positive and integers are any number including negatives.
For positive whole numbers, it is 1 through infinity.
Yes, by definition all positive integers are whole numbers.
True--all positive whole numbers and all negative whole numbers and zero are the integers.
No. One half is positive but not whole.
The answer below is incomplete.The set of whole numbers also includes all negative integers.
All negative numbers and zero.
An integer. Integers are all of the whole numbers, all of the negative whole numbers, and zero.
The set of counting (natural) numbers is the set of all positive integers, while the set of whole numbers is the set of all positive integers included zero.