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when its a irregular shape you divide it up

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Q: When do you find an area or a volume by separating the figure into smaller figure?
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When do you find an area by separating the figure into familiar shapes?

To find the area, use formulas to find the area of the smaller, regular shapes. Then add up all the smaller areas to find the area of the original shape.

When do you find an area or volume by separating the figure into smaller figures?

When an area or space is irregularly shaped it is often convenient to divide it into more than one area or space to make calculations. And example would be two pressure cylinders of different size connected together with a pipe and a valve. If the valve is opened you have created a larger volume.

What is the space inside a figure called?

It depends on the type of figure. If it is a 2D figure, then it is called area. If it is a 3D figure, then it is called volume.

What is the formula for surface area and volume?

That depends on the figure whose surface area and volume you're finding. You could try a Google search for "volume of [figure name]" or "surface area of [figure name]".

How can you convert volume to area?

Depends on the figure.

Why does the ship floats while a coin sinks?

because a ship has big volume and a coin has small volume hence the smaller the area the bigger the pressure,the smaller the area the big the volume

When do you find an area or volumn by separting the figure into smaller figures?

When u can't directly find the volume or area. But u can if u want for a trapezoid, u can separate it as 2 triangles and a rectangle.

Is the surface area of an object be smaller than the volume?

It can be.

Volume for a pentagon?

A pentagon is a two-dimensional geometric figure and therefore has area but not volume. To have volume, a geometric figure must have height or thickness as well as its plane dimensions.

What is the space inside a geometric figure called?

Volume if it's a 3D figure and area if it's a 2D figure

How do you figure out the surface area-to-volume ratio of a cell?

it doesnt