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When an area or space is irregularly shaped it is often convenient to divide it into more than one area or space to make calculations. And example would be two pressure cylinders of different size connected together with a pipe and a valve. If the valve is opened you have created a larger volume.

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Q: When do you find an area or volume by separating the figure into smaller figures?
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When do you find an area or a volume by separating the figure into smaller figure?

when its a irregular shape you divide it up

The surface area of two similar figures are 36in and 49in if the volume of the smaller figure is 648 in what is the volume of the larger figure?


Why plane figures does not have mass?

A plane figure has no thickness, so it has no volume. Without volume, it can't have any mass.

When do you find an area or volumn by separting the figure into smaller figures?

When u can't directly find the volume or area. But u can if u want for a trapezoid, u can separate it as 2 triangles and a rectangle.

How do you find the volume of an object with defined sides?

Multiply the figures of the 3 sides - a x b x c , this figure is the volume.

What is the formula to find volume of a trapezoid?

The trapezoid is a plane figure which has surface Area, but no volume but if there was a 3d figure your equation would be. The Surface Area of a trapezoid = ½(b1+b2) x h X Height of figure.

How do you find the volume of a composite figure?

You break up the composite figure into smaller shapes whose volumes you can work out, and them add them together.

All formulas of finding the space figure and volume of solid figures with picture?

There are infinitely many figures and so infinitely many formula and therefore it is impossible to give ALL of them.

How to find the volume of an irregular figure?

To find the volume, first divide the shape into regular, simple shapes. Then use formulas to find the volumes of the smaller, regular shapes. Lastly, add up all the smaller areas to find the volume of the original shape. If you actually have the figure and you don't mind getting it wet then Archimedes can help. He cried out "eureka" when he realised that if he put the figure in a bucket that was already full to the brim, then the water that spilled out would have exactly the same volume as the figure. He collected the spilled water carefully and put it in a measuring flask. Then he knew the exact volume of the figure.

What is the general rule in finding the volume of solid figure?

There is no general rule. There are different formulae for simple figures like a sphere, a cone and a cylinder. Other figures have yet other and more complex formulae.

How do you find the volume of a composite shape?

A figure (or shape) that can be divided into more than one of the basic figures is said to be a composite figure (or shape).For example, figure ABCD is a composite figure as it consists of two basic figures. That is, a figure is formed by a rectangle and triangle as shown below.The area of a composite figure is calculated by dividing the composite figure into basic figures and then using the relevant area formula for each basic figure.Example 20Find the area of the following composite figure:Solution:The figure can be divided into a rectangle and triangle as shown below.So, the area of the composite figure is 216 cm2.

What is the difference between a two-dimensional figure and a solid?

Solids have three dimensions.Two-dimensional figures have length and width, and you can use these to calculate the area.Three-dimensional figures (i.e., solids) have length, width, and depth, and you can use these to calculate the volume.