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Any time you want to turn any number into a fraction with a denominator

of ' 1 ', just write that number over ' 1 ' and you've got your fraction.

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Q: When do you put a decimal when you turn it into a fraction over 1?
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How do you change a decimal in to a fraction?

put decimal over 100

How do you turn 0.25 into a fraction?

Put the decimal over 100 - 25/100 then cancel down to 1/4.

How can you convert a remainder into a fraction or decimal?

To turn a remainder into a fraction you just put the remainder over the dividend. To turn a remainder into a decimal put a decimal in the divisor and in the answer so far, put a zero, bring the zero down and divide what you now have. If that does not come out evenly add another zero in the dividend and do that until it come out evenly

How do you turn a percent into a fraction and decimal?

Change the percentage to a decimal by taking the percent and pitting it behind the decimal and to change it to a fraction put the percent under 100

How do you convert decimals into lowest terms?

first you must turn the decimal into a fraction. then simplify it. Okay so i put 45 over 100

How to turn a fraction to a decimal?

, divide the numerator by the denominator. To change terminal decimals into fractions, count the number of decimal places, put the decimal's digits over 1 followed by the proper number of zeroes.

What is the formula to turn a decimal to a fraction?

If it is a terminating decimal, count the number of digits after the decimal and call it x. Put those digits over 10^x and reduce. For example, if the fraction is 0.84, x is 2, so 84/10^2 = 84/100 = 21/25■ If it is a repeating decimal, put the repeating portion over (10^x)-1. If the fraction is 0.848484..... put 84/(100-1) = 84/99 = 28/33■

How do you change a percent into a fraction then into a decimal?

To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. If you want to convert a decimal to a percent, multiply it by 100. If you want to make a percent a fraction, just put it over 100 and then simplify. To change a fraction to a percent, divide the fraction and then multiply it by 100.

How do you turn a decmal into a fraction?

OK, SOTo find a fraction for a decimal, you put the decimal over a 1 followed by the amount of digits in the decimal. So for example 0.25, there are 2 digits in the decimals place, so 25 over 100 or 25/100. Then just simplify to 1/4 . Hope this helps!

How do you turn 1.6 into a fraction?

put it over 1

How do you turn 12525252525 into a fraction?

put it over 1.

How do you turn 2.7 into fraction?

Put it over 1.