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Q: When do you say that a polynomial is rational or not?
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How is a rational function the ratio of two polynomial functions?

That's the definition of a "rational function". You simply divide a polynomial by another polynomial. The result is called a "rational function".

What is rational algebra expression?

Basically, a rational expression is one that can be written as one polynomial, divided by another polynomial.

How does my knowledge of polynomial function prepare me to understand rational function?

A rational function is the quotient of two polynomial functions.

How do you factor a polynomial with the equation of 6A2 - B 2?

The given polynomial does not have factors with rational coefficients.

What are the Basic concepts of rational function?

Thee basic concept is that an rational function is one polynomial divided by another polynomial. The coefficients of these polynomials need not be rational numbers.

What is the difference between rational and polynomials?

A polynomial function is simply a function that is made of one or more mononomials. For example 4x^2+3x-5 A rational function is when a polynomial function is divided by another polynomial function.

What is the least degree a polynomial could have with an imaginary root with a multiplicity of three?

Since the question did not specify a rational polynomial, the answer is a polynomial of degree 3.

What are some Rational expression examples?

Just write ANY fraction, with a polynomial in the numerator, and a polynomial in the denominator.

What is a rational equation or rational function?

It is any function which can be written as the ratio of two polynomial functions.

What are facts about perfect square?

A perfect square is a rational number that is equal to the square of another rational number; 9 is a perfect square because it is a rational number that is the square of 3, another rational number.A polynomial that is the square of another polynomial is also a perfect square; x2 - 8x + 16 is a perfect square because it is the square of the polynomial x - 4.

What is the difference between rational function and linear function?

t is the diffrence between a rational funcrion and a linerar and polynomial function

Polynomial and rational functions?

What are you asking?? A question or are you tell us or you just definition