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when x is a negative number --- is a wrong answer since square root of a negative number is not defined. So x has to be zero or a positive number. The correct answer is that when x lies between 0 and 1 (with both limits excluded), its square root is greater than the number itself. Of course at both limits, the square root (assuming the positive square root - since a square root of a number can be positive or negative, both with the same absolute value) is the same as the number.

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Q: When is the Square root of x greater than x?
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For all the values of x that are less than one and greater than zero.

The square root of a number is x is always less than x?

only if x is greater than 1

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√x > 0 when x > 0, that is when x is a positive number.

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Sqroot x > x if x<1.

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X is greater than 5. If X were equal to 5, X-5 would be 0 which has no real square root. If X were 4, X-5 would be -1 which has no real square root, and so on.

If x is any real number then why is the square root of x2 not equal to x?

say x=-2, the x^2=4, but the square root of 4 is 2 because we always take the positive value, known as the principal root. Using this square root of x^2=|x|. So if x is greater than or equal 0, than square root of x^2 is x, but if x is less than zero we must take its abolute value.

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f(x) = (x)^ (1/2) (i.e. the square root of x)

The square root of a number x is always less than x?

No. The square roots of numbers between 0 and 1 (not including 0) are greater than or equal to (in the case of 1) the number. The square root of 0.49 is 0.7 for example.

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x can be any number greater than 16 and less than 81.