

When trait is called recessive?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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13y ago

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recessive is when you have another allele that supress the recessive one, you have to thing how this could be done in a methabolic pathway, and you will see that exist many ways for an allele be dominant and the other recessive (you just can say dominant and recessive if you are talking at alleles ,this is genes at the same locus.

my mother language is no inglish maybe i have comit many gramatical errors but what i am saying is correc i am student of biotechnology.

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Q: When trait is called recessive?
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What is the probability that a recessive trait will appear?

It depends on the genotype of the parents, but assuming there is an equal chance of being dominant homozygous, recessive homozygous or heterozgous and there are only two possible genes, there is a 1 in 4 chance that the recessive trait will appear.

What is a recessive allele?

Recessive allele is a trait that doesn't show in one's phenotype (observable trait) if there is a dominant allelle present. Only when you inherit a recessive allele from both parents (aa for example and not Aa) does the trait show in your phenotype.

What is the probability of a homozygous recessive offspring?

It depends. If it's a heterozygous cross, (Tt x Tt), there's a 25% chance. If it's a homozygous dominant cross (TT x TT), the chance is 0%. Neither parent has the alleles for a recessive trait, so none of their offspring can have the recessive trait. If it's a homozygous recessive cross (tt x tt), there's a 100% chance. The only alleles the parents can pass on are recessive.

If a dominant homozygous reproduced with a heterozygous could their offspring be recessive?

Let's see what combinations can be formed.HH, HH, Hh, Hh.So, yes their offspring can contain the recessive allele.(THe offspring can be a carrier of the recessive allele.)However, since it is impossible for the offspring to be homozygous recessive,the recessive trait/gene will not show in the offspring's phenotype.Hope that helps!

Is it possible for 2 homozygous recessive individuals to have a homozygous dominant child?

No, homozygous recessive indivuals MUST have two of the reccessive gene (bb), the possible combinations are bb,bb,bb,bb thus only a recessive trait is possible

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The trait that is hidden is recessive trait.

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A trait that masks another trait is called dominant, or a dominant trait.

What allele whose trait only shows up when no dominant allele is present?

Such a trait is called a recessive trait.

What is an observable trait of an organism that can mask a recessive trait?

The observable characteristic are called the genotype and any dominant trait can mask the recessive. An example would be Black Angus cattle can actually carry a red recessive trait because black is the dominant trait in cattle breeding

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What gene won't display its trait in the prescience of a dominate trait?

The recessive form of a gene, called a recessive allele, will not be expressed in the presence of the dominant form of the gene, called a dominant allele.

13 What is the name of a weak trait that is masked by a stronger trait?

The weaker trait is called the recessive trait The stronger one is called the dominant trait

What is the name given to the weaker trait that can be covered up by the dominant trai?

The recessive gene - less stronger than the dominant one.

What trait that may not show when an animal carries it but which can be passed on to its offspring and perhaps show there is called what kind of trait?

This is called a Recessive trait

Is diabetes dominant or recessive trait?

It is a recessive trait

What is it called having a dominate and recessive allele?

If an individual has one recessive allele and one dominant allele, they are known as heterozygous. The dominant trait will be expressed.