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Q: What is the likelihood of a recessive trait being expressed if your offspring is crossed with a homozygous dominant eye shape prove your answer in a cross?
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For a recessive trait to be expressed in a generation of offspring an individual must be a?


When is a recessive allel expressed in offspring?

A recessive phenotype is expressed in an offspring that has a homozygous recessive genotype for that trait.

If a test cross between a homozygous recessive and heterozygous allele will yield what percent of offspring as homozygous recessive?

A test cross between a homozygous recessive and a heterozygous individual will yield 50% of offspring as homozygous recessive. This is because all the offspring will inherit one recessive allele from the homozygous recessive parent.

How do two heterozygous organisms produce on offspring with a recessive phenotype?

There are two forms of Homozygous inheritance: Homozygous Dominant, and Homozygous Recessive. In order for two parents that are Homozygous to produce a Heterozygous offspring, one of them MUST be Homozygous Dominant, and the other MUST be Homozygous Recessive.

What percent of offspring will inherit a recessive allele from a homozygous recessive parent?

If one parent is homozygous recessive for a trait, all of their offspring will inherit one copy of the recessive allele. Therefore, 100% of the offspring will inherit the recessive allele from a homozygous recessive parent.

What are recessive expressed in?

homozygous organisms

In crossing a homozygous recessive with a heterozygote what is the chance of getting a homozygous recessive phenotype in the F1 generation?

1/2 or 50%. The homozygous recessive gentoype contains two recessive alleles for the gene for a trait. So the homozygous recessive individual can pass on only recessive alleles to an offspring. The heterozygous individual has one dominant and one recessive allele for the gene for a trait. So the heterozygous individual can pass on either a dominant or a recessive allele to an offspring. So if an offspring inherits a recessive allele from the heterozygous parent, along with the recessive allele from the homozygous recessive parent, it will have the homozygous recessive genotype and phenotype.

If a dominant homozygous reproduced with a heterozygous could their offspring be recessive?

Let's see what combinations can be formed.HH, HH, Hh, Hh.So, yes their offspring can contain the recessive allele.(THe offspring can be a carrier of the recessive allele.)However, since it is impossible for the offspring to be homozygous recessive,the recessive trait/gene will not show in the offspring's phenotype.Hope that helps!

What technique can reverse the damaging effects of inbreeding by reducing the likelihood of homozygous recessive allele expression?

Outbreeding or outcrossing can reverse the damaging effects of inbreeding by introducing genetic diversity to the population, which increases the chances of masking recessive alleles when individuals with different genetic backgrounds are bred together. This reduces the likelihood of homozygous recessive allele expression by producing heterozygous offspring.

What is the percentage of offspring that will exhibit the dominant trait from A crossing of A homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive individual?

The homozygous dominant individual can only pass on the dominant allele and the homozygous recessive individual can only pass on the recessive allele, therefore all offspring will be heterozygous and have the dominant phenotype.

How can offspring inherit a recessive trait?

An offspring can inherit a recessive trait if both of its parents are homozygous for the dominant allele.

In which offspring does a dominant trait appear?

A dominant trait will appear in offspring that inherits at least one copy of the dominant allele from either parent. If an individual has two different alleles for a trait (one dominant and one recessive), the dominant trait will be expressed.