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A number multiplied by 1 is equal to the original number.


For fractions where the numerator (top) is LESS than the deonominator (bottom), the product will be LESS than the original number, because the fraction has a value of LESS than 1.

For fractions where the numerator is MORE than the denominator, the product will be MORE than the original number because the fraction has a value of MORE than 1.

For fractions where the numerator and denominator are the same, the product will be the same as the original number because the fraction has a value equal to 1.

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Q: When you multiply a whole number by a fraction is the product always less than the original whole number?
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A proper fraction is less than 1. Whenever you multiply something by a number < 1, the result (product) is less than the original number. So when you multiply a proper fraction by a number less one (such as another proper fraction, the product is less than the original proper fraction. The only time a product involving a given number is larger than the given number is when you multiply the given number by a number that is > 1. Since all proper fractions are < 1, products involving them are always less than the original given number.

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