Multiply the numerators together. Multiply the denominators together. Reduce, if possible. The answer when multiplying fractions together will always be lower than either.
Multiply all the numerators together and then multiply all the denominators together
Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second. That is, flip the second fraction over and then multiply the two.
You can multiply the numerator and the denominator of a fraction by any non-zero integer to get an equivalent fraction.
Multiply the numerator of one fraction to the other then multiply the denominator of one fraction to the other . Then reduce if possible.
The inverse of the fraction.
Multiply all the numerators together and then multiply all the denominators together
Multiply the numerators together and then multiply the denominators together.
Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second. That is, flip the second fraction over and then multiply the two.
You can multiply the numerator and the denominator of a fraction by any non-zero integer to get an equivalent fraction.
Multiply the numerator of one fraction to the other then multiply the denominator of one fraction to the other . Then reduce if possible.
The inverse of the fraction.
turn both fractions into decimals and then multiply!
"Dividing Fractions is easy as pie, flip the second and multiply." Flip the second fraction, and multiply, and reduce.
Multiply the fraction by the same number.
multiply the two fractions
Multiply the fraction to the whole.