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It might have been possible to answer the question had you given some information about "this function". However, since you have not bothered to share that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

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Q: Which choice explains why this function does not have an inverse function?
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What is the relationships between inverse functions?

The inverse of the inverse is the original function, so that the product of the two functions is equivalent to the identity function on the appropriate domain. The domain of a function is the range of the inverse function. The range of a function is the domain of the inverse function.

Is the inverse of an exponential function the quadratic function?

No. The inverse of an exponential function is a logarithmic function.

If an inverse function undoes the work of the original function the original function's becomes the inverse function's domain?

The original function's RANGE becomes the inverse function's domain.

What is the inverse function of -6?

-6 is a number, not a function and so there is not an inverse function.

What is the inverse of a cubic function?

The inverse of the cubic function is the cube root function.

Why is x squared a inverse function?

X squared is not an inverse function; it is a quadratic function.

What is the inverse function of add 6?

The inverse function means the opposite calculation. The inverse function of "add 6" would be "subtract 6".

If an inverse function undoes the work of the original function what does the original function's becomes the inverse function's domain?


Does every function have an inverse that is a function?

No. A simple example of this is y = x2; the inverse is x = y2, which is not a function.

If an inverse function undoes the work of the original function the original function's range becomes the inverse function's?

range TPate

What are the two types of function?

These are the for inverse operations:Multiplications inverse is divisionDivisions inverse is multiplicationAdditions inverse is subtractionSubtractions inverse is addition

The inverse of the cosine function?

The inverse of the cosine is the secant.