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Identity Property

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Q: Which multiplacation property says that the prouduct of any number and one is that number?
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What is a multiplacation sentence?

A multiplacation sentence is excactly what it says it is! EXAMPLE: 9x9=? 1x9=? 3x8=? That is a multiplacation sentence.

What property says that the product of any number and 1 is the number?

The Identity property of multiplication

Which multiplication property says that the product of any number and one is that number?

Identity Property

What property says that multiplying a sum by a number is the same as multiplying each addend by the number and then adding the product?

Distributive property

Which multiplication propety says that the product of number and one is that number?

It is the identity property of 1.

What property says that you can multiply the addends of a sum by a number and then add the products?

The distributive property of multiplication over addition.

What is the definition of reflexive property of equality?

The reflexive property simply says that A=A, in other words, any number is equal to itself.

What is the inverse property?

The inverse property says that a number, n, is added to its opposite, -n This is how it is used: n+(-n)=0

What is the property of 3 x 0 equals 0?

It is called the zero property which says that any number into zero gives zero.

What property says that for every number other than 0 its reciprocal is the one number by which it can be multiplied to get 1?

Multiplicative inverse.

Which number property says that you can add or mulitply in any order without changing the result?


How do you remember the identity property?

The identity property for a binary operation (addition, multiplication, etc) simply states that there is a unique element (number) such that x ~ i = x = i ~ x In terms of multiplication the identity property says that the number 1 exists with the property that 1*x = x = x*1 for all x In terms of addition the identity property says that the number 0 exists with the property that 0+x = x = x+0 for all x and so on for other binary operations.