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Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals" etc. And using ^ to indicate powers (eg x-squared = x^2).

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Q: Which point lies in the solution set for the following system of inequalities y x plus 4 y -2x plus 2?
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Is it possible for a system of two linear inequalities to ha a single point as a solution?

yes it is possible for a system of two linear inequalities to have a single point as a solution.

What is the intersections of the graphs in a system of inequalities?

It is a point that may or may not be a solution to the system - depending on whether or not the inequalities are strict.

Is the point of intersection always included in the solution of a system of inequalities?

It depends on whether the inequalities are strict or not.

How is the solution in a system of inequalities determine?

An inequality determines a region of space in which the solutions for that particular inequality. For a system of inequalities, these regions may overlap. The solution set is any point in the overlap. If the regions do not overlap then there is no solution to the system.

What are the solutions to system of inequalities?

Systems of inequalities in n variables with create an n-dimensional shape in n-dimensional space which is called the feasible region. Any point inside this region will be a solution to the system of inequalities; any point outside it will not. If all the inequalities are linear then the shape will be a convex polyhedron in n-space. If any are non-linear inequalities then the solution-space will be a complicated shape. As with a system of equations, with continuous variables, there need not be any solution but there can be one or infinitely many.

How do you know which region of the graph of a system of linear inequalities contains the solutions?

If the lines intersect, then the intersection point is the solution of the system. If the lines coincide, then there are infinite number of the solutions for the system. If the lines are parallel, there is no solution for the system.

What is an example when the solution of a system of inequalities must be in the first quadrant?

I) x>0 II) y>0 The first quadrant is the part of the coordinate plane where x and y are both positive. The above system states precisely that, and actually any point in the first quadrant is a solution to the above system of inequalities.

Is it possible to have a system of linear inequalities where solution is every point in the entire?

Yes, you can say something like y < infinity and y > -infinity .

Can the solution of a system of linear inequalities be the point of a line explain?

It's pretty much always the point of a line because the soulution of the system is always an ordered pair where the two or more lines intersect

Which point lies in the solution set for the following system of inequalities?

The question truly belongs in the elite, select category.You've neglected to show us both the system of inequalitiesand the list of points that includes the correct one.It's as if I were to ask you: "What am I thinking about thethree people I'm looking at in that crowd ?"

What does it mean to find the solutions of system of inequalities?

In 2-dimensional space, an equality could be represented by a line. A set of equalities would be represented by a set of lines. If these lines intersected at a single point, that point would be the solution to the set of equations. With inequalities, instead of a line you get a region - one side of the line representing the corresponding equality (or the other). The line, itself, may be included or excluded. Each inequality can be represented by a region and, if these regions overlap, any point within that sub-region is a solution to the system of inequalities.

How can you determine whether a point is a solution to system of equations?

You substitute the coordinates of the point in the equation. If the result is true then the point is a solution and if it is false it is not a solution.