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A survey is used more often than a census because a census requires everybody to respond, while a survey only needs a few people. This means a survey is advantageous for many reasons:

  1. It doesn't matter if not everyone responds, you can just survey more people.
  2. It is much cheaper to survey than hold a census.
  3. It is less effort to hold a survey than hold a census.
  4. It takes less time to hold a survey than hold a census.
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Q: Why do you think a survey is used more often than a census?
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Related questions

Why is sample survey better than a census?

becuase it is more accurate.

Why is conducting a sample survey preferable to conducting a census?

A sample survey may be preferable than a census because it can be more comprehensive. While its research only involves a subset, it is typically more accurate.

What is the population of the Christian in Nepal?

According to census of 2007, there were 3,79,042 Christians. I dont think they have done any survey after this. But it is rapidly growing. So maybe by now its around 5 lakhs or more.

How often are censuses taken?

Federal census is taken every 10 years. Some regional census polls are taken more often, but the law is for every 10 years.

Why is a sample better than a census?

its better because we often don't have to survey a large population, so a sample is quicker, easier, requires few ressources, little time and can be more accurate if a person is not there to answer it because a sample could represent that person.

Which one is more accurance census or sample survey?

The census surveys all members of the population. If the objective of the survey is to find representative values of certain attributes, say how much does the average fisherman make in Alaska, then certainly a survey that includes all fisherman should be more accurate. If all members of the population are surveyed, then the resultant summary values would be considered parameters rather than statistics. For example:no statistical inference is made if I state there are 1,000 fisherman in Alaska, and a tally of all of them, shows their average income is $20,000. I can say that a census should be more accurate than a sample survey, provided all other factors are the same and precautions are taken to obtain reliable data. A census conducted in a biased manner will not provide accurate parameters.

Advantages of census over sample survey?

It is more accurate, unbiased and includes every item in the population, whereas sampling may be biased, and sampling is not totally representative.

How did you come to know about the k to 12 BEP?

This is a survey question. I think this is answerable with "Television, Newspaper, etc." And i dont think you can find more answers on the net. Its a survey, no one shares there answer on a web.

Briefly explain the differences between a census and a sample survey?

Researchers define a "population" which consists of elements with defined characteristics. Example: All the matriculating students at Providence College. If the researcher studies the entire population as defined above, it is called a "census". If, on the other hand, the researcher takes a subset of the population, a sample, and studies it it will be a sample survey (or study in more general terms.)

Why is it called the cences?

First off, it's spelled Census. And the word census means "an official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals". Basically: the Census, taken every 5 years, takes a count of how many people are in the, United States, and how many people there are per state. The bigger the population, the more seats the state has in the House of Representatives.

How the US cencus works?

The US Census is taken home by home. Used to be door to door and is done through mail more often now. How is a census in the UK taken?The actual information used in a census is all collected on one day; the census in effect takes a snap shot of the population on that day. A census officer collects the information for each household. There are also other methods used to collect information such as telephone calls and email questionnaires, as well the standard questionnaires.

Can frequency distribution contain more than 10 observations?

Yes. Often hundreds and sometimes (eg in a population Census), millions.