a census is the procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about all d members of a given population and a sample is a group from d population a census is more thorough and gives accurate information about a population while being more expensive and comsuming time comsuing rather than a sample
A large sample will reduce the effects of random variations.
(1) A sample may save money (as compared with the cost of a complete census) when absolute precision is not necessary. (2) A sample saves time, when data are desired more quickly than would be possible with a complete census. (3) A sample may make it possible to concentrate attention on individual cases. (4) In industrial uses, some tests are destructive (for example, testing the length of time an electric bulb will last) and can only be performed on a sample of items. (5) Some populations can be considered as infinite, and can, therefore, only be sampled. A simple example is an agricultural experiment for testing fertilizers. In one sense, a census can be considered as a sample at one instant of time of an underlying causal system which has random features in it. (6) Where non-sampling errors are necessarily large, a sample may give better results than a complete census because non-sampling errors are easier to control in smaller-scale operations
There are several advantages of sampling over census (i.e. selection of wholepopulation for analysis).Firstly, the costs on sampling should be much lower than that on census. For example,for the government by-census (note: population census is usually conducted onceevery ten years and a by-census is conducted in the middle of the intercensal period),one fifth of the population is large enough to declare what the government wants toknow. There is no need to spend several times of dollars to interview the entirepopulation in the society.Secondly, a quality guru (Deming, 1960) argued that the quality of a study was oftenbetter with sampling than with a census. He suggested that, "Sampling possesses thepossibility of better interviewing(testing), more thorough investigation of missing,wrong , or suspicious information, better supervision, and better processing than ispossible with complete coverage". Research findings substantiate this opinion. Morethan 90% of survey error in one study was from non-sampling error1, and 10% or lesswas from sampling error2. (Donald et al., 1995)Thirdly, sampling can save the time. The speed of execution reduces the time betweenthe recognition of a need for information and the availability of that information.1 Non-sampling error is the error of research due to factors other than the sample size and samplingmethod, including non-response, bad communication with interviewees, measurement error, etc.2 Sampling error is the error during research due to the sample size and sampling method.
less bias and error occur when sample size is larger
It's not.
A random sample is better than a census because it takes less time and costs less.
A sample survey may be preferable than a census because it can be more comprehensive. While its research only involves a subset, it is typically more accurate.
its better because we often don't have to survey a large population, so a sample is quicker, easier, requires few ressources, little time and can be more accurate if a person is not there to answer it because a sample could represent that person.
Survey sampling involves selecting a representative subset of the population, which can be more practical and cost-effective than surveying the entire population in a census. Proper sampling techniques can still provide accurate and reliable results, as long as the sample is chosen correctly and is representative of the population of interest.
A survey is used more often than a census because a census requires everybody to respond, while a survey only needs a few people. This means a survey is advantageous for many reasons:It doesn't matter if not everyone responds, you can just survey more people.It is much cheaper to survey than hold a census.It is less effort to hold a survey than hold a census.It takes less time to hold a survey than hold a census.
A census is more accurate than a sample survey because it aims to collect data from an entire population, leaving no room for sampling error. However, conducting a census can be costly and time-consuming, while a sample survey is more practical for large populations.
It would be something like a census, surveying every last person in a given population rather than taking a random sample.
It is because the sample size for the second survey was larger.
a census is the procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about all d members of a given population and a sample is a group from d population a census is more thorough and gives accurate information about a population while being more expensive and comsuming time comsuing rather than a sample
A large sample will reduce the effects of random variations.
A larger random sample will always give a better estimate of a population parameter than a smaller random sample.