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its better because we often don't have to survey a large population, so a sample is quicker, easier, requires few ressources, little time and can be more accurate if a person is not there to answer it because a sample could represent that person.

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Q: Why is a sample better than a census?
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Why is a random sample better than a census?

A random sample is better than a census because it takes less time and costs less.

Why is sample survey better than a census?

becuase it is more accurate.

Why is conducting a sample survey preferable to conducting a census?

A sample survey may be preferable than a census because it can be more comprehensive. While its research only involves a subset, it is typically more accurate.

How does a census compare to a sample?

a census is the procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about all d members of a given population and a sample is a group from d population a census is more thorough and gives accurate information about a population while being more expensive and comsuming time comsuing rather than a sample

What is the difference between census and sample investigation?

this is brief, but a census gathers data from the whole group/poulation, wheras a sample investigation on takes a small part of the group/poulation, a sample

Why is a large sample better than a small sample?

A large sample will reduce the effects of random variations.

Does a random largely selected sample always give a better estimate of the population than a randomly selected sample?

A larger random sample will always give a better estimate of a population parameter than a smaller random sample.

Is a drug urine analysis better than a hair drug analysis?

yes it better because there are more bacteria in a urine sample than a hair sample

Why is a sample usually preferred over a census?

Less time and less cost for a sample.

What are the uses of sampling?

(1) A sample may save money (as compared with the cost of a complete census) when absolute precision is not necessary. (2) A sample saves time, when data are desired more quickly than would be possible with a complete census. (3) A sample may make it possible to concentrate attention on individual cases. (4) In industrial uses, some tests are destructive (for example, testing the length of time an electric bulb will last) and can only be performed on a sample of items. (5) Some populations can be considered as infinite, and can, therefore, only be sampled. A simple example is an agricultural experiment for testing fertilizers. In one sense, a census can be considered as a sample at one instant of time of an underlying causal system which has random features in it. (6) Where non-sampling errors are necessarily large, a sample may give better results than a complete census because non-sampling errors are easier to control in smaller-scale operations

What is the difference between census and sample survey?

A sample survey is asked of a limited group of people, while a census is conducted in an attempted to get an answer from all people in a geographical area.

What is the difference between a sample and a census?

A Census is the type of survey for a complete population. A Sample Survey is only a portion of the population which is used to make predictions on the representation of the actual population.