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lol! it can be less than 1 too, upto -1!

it cannot be greater than 1 because hypotenuse is always longer than the adjacent and opposite side... (from pythagoras theorem)

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Q: Why is the sine and cosine of a number no less than 1 and no greater than 1?
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What trigonometric ratios cannot be greater than one?

Sine and cosine.

Why can tangent values be greater than 1 but sine and cosine values cannot be greater than 1?

Sine and cosine cannot be greater than 1 because they are the Y and X values of a point on the unit circle. Tangent, on the other hand, is sine over cosine, so its domain is (-infinity,+infinity), with an asymptote occurring every odd pi/2.

Why are the sine and the cosine of an acute angle always less than 1?

Well, the easiest way to go at it is simply to remember thatthe sine and cosine of any angle are always less than 1 .

If two integers have the same sign what is the sine of their sum?

Sine(A+ B) = Sine(A)*Cosine(B) + Cosine(A)*Sine(B).

How do you find the cosine and the sine?

Sine= Opposite/ Hypotenuse Cosine= Adjacent/ Hypotenuse

What are the Differentiate the sine wave and cosine wave?

The differential of the sine function is the cosine function while the differential of the cosine function is the negative of the sine function.

How does the tangent function relate to sine and cosine?

Tangent = sine/cosine provided that cosine is non-zero. When cosine is 0, then tangent is undefined.

Why are sine and cosine functions used to describe periodic?

because sine & cosine functions are periodic.

Which trigonometric functions always have values less than 1?

The sine and the cosine are always less than one.

How do you find sine cosine and tangent of 210 degrees?

Sine = -0.5 Cosine = -0.866 Tangent = 0.577

Do the equations sine plus cosine and sine squared plus cosine squared both equal 1?

No, they do not.

What is the derivation of the wave function?

A simple wave function can be expressed as a trigonometric function of either sine or cosine. lamba = A sine(a+bt) or lamba = A cosine(a+bt) where lamba = the y value of the wave A= magnitude of the wave a= phase angle b= frequency. the derivative of sine is cosine and the derivative of cosine is -sine so the derivative of a sine wave function would be y'=Ab cosine(a+bt) """"""""""""""""""" cosine wave function would be y' =-Ab sine(a+bt)