

You want to know how to Chang decimals to fraction?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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9y ago

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To change decimals to fractions, you must move the decimal place over to make it a whole number. However many places you move it, that is how many zeroes that go on the denominator with the 1. For example, 0.38 would be 38/100 as a fraction.

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Q: You want to know how to Chang decimals to fraction?
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Either you can, or you can't! It is perfectly valid to use decimals in the top or bottom. Now, if you want whole numbers, you can convert the fraction to an equivalent fraction, multiplying top and bottom by 2 in this case.

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How accurate do you want it to be? - In case you don't know it, you can't express pi exactly as a fraction, or as a square root. You can approximate it as much as you want with decimals for example, that is, you can make the error as small as you want - but never zero.

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You can multiply it by the denominator of the fraction you want to turn it in to. For example, .125 * 8 = 1, therefore, 1/8 = .125. Keep in mind that only some decimals can be made into simplified fractions. For example, .453 can be represented in simplest form as 453/1000.

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Well if they are already a fraction you do not need to convert them to a fraction. If you mean "How do you convert fractions to decimals" then I can help you there. If you have a fraction you want to make a decimal you simply divide. The little bar in the fraction means "divide" So if you have 3 over 4, you simply divide 3 by 4 which equals .75.

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You add it. Or you can use decimals if i have $8.50 and i want to take out $5.00 i would use decimals and same if your adding subtracting etc. If you don't know how to multiply decimals just ignore them then add them i the end, how you know where it goes? You count how many numbers are behind! Same for division except you divide.

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22.5/15 15/15 + 7.5/15 = 22.5/15 If you don't want decimals you can multiply the numerator and the denominator by two to get 45/30.

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As given it is an integer. However, if redrafted as 0.634920634920634... at every Which is a recurring decimal to infinity. This decimal recurs at every sixth digit. So we say Let P = 0.634920634920634... 1000000P = 634920.634920634... Subtract 999999P = 634920 . 0 Note the decimals subtract to zero. P = 634920/999999 Cancel down by '3' 211640/333333 The answer!!!!! Subtract

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You can convert any non-repeating decimal into a fraction, by just understanding that ".6", in this example, means 6 tenths. So, the fraction is simply 66/10 - take the decimal point away, and divide by 10. If the number has two decimals, divide by 100; if it has 3 decimals, divide by 1000; etc. For example, 0.125 = 125 / 1000. In any case, you may want to see whether you can simplify the fraction. For example, 125 / 1000 is equal to 1 / 8 (dividing numerator and denominator by 125).