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Q: What you want to know about decimals?
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Related questions

What is the rule for decimals?

There are several rules for decimals, depending on what you want to do.

How do you calculate dollars and cents?

You add it. Or you can use decimals if i have $8.50 and i want to take out $5.00 i would use decimals and same if your adding subtracting etc. If you don't know how to multiply decimals just ignore them then add them i the end, how you know where it goes? You count how many numbers are behind! Same for division except you divide.

How do you round decimals on a number line?

your dumb if you don't know how to round decimals on a number line

What does adding decimals mean?

I dont know

How architects need the knowledge of decimals fractions and percents?

They need to know about decimals, fractions, and percents because they need to know the exact measures of the things they are designing.

What is 183.6733 Round to?

That depends how you want to round it - mainly, how many decimals you want to keep.

What is the definition of ordering decimals?

I don't know ok

How dancers use decimals?

to know where to step and how long

You want to know how to Chang decimals to fraction?

To change decimals to fractions, you must move the decimal place over to make it a whole number. However many places you move it, that is how many zeroes that go on the denominator with the 1. For example, 0.38 would be 38/100 as a fraction.

When do super heroes use decimals?

when they want to.

8.9 as a percentage?

8.9% or if you want it in decimals then 8.9 / 100 = .089.

Who was one of the first mathamatitions to accuratly calculate pi?

How accurate do you want it to be? - In case you don't know it, you can't express pi exactly as a fraction, or as a square root. You can approximate it as much as you want with decimals for example, that is, you can make the error as small as you want - but never zero.