Yes, because for any x and y that are positive fractions (y not equal to zero), x/y is also a positive fraction. Note that whole numbers are considered fractions with denominators of 1 -- otherwise it doesn't work.
No, the natural numbers are not closed under division. For example, 2 and 3 are natural numbers, but 2/3 is not.
Yes. The set of real numbers is closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication. The set of real numbers without zero is closed under division.
Division by 0, which can also be written as 0.000... (repeating) is not defined.
The set of rational numbers is closed under all 4 basic operations.
No, they are not.
No. Integers are not closed under division because they consist of negative and positive whole numbers. NO FRACTIONS!No.For a set to be closed under an operation, the result of the operation on any members of the set must be a member of the set.When the integer one (1) is divided by the integer four (4) the result is not an integer (1/4 = 0.25) and so not member of the set; thus integers are not closed under division.
Rational numbers are closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication. They are not closed under division, since you can't divide by zero. However, rational numbers excluding the zero are closed under division.
They are closed under all except that division by zero is not defined.
No, the natural numbers are not closed under division. For example, 2 and 3 are natural numbers, but 2/3 is not.
For a set to be closed under any operation, the result of the operation must also be a member of the set. The result of adding fractions is another fraction, thus it is closed under addition. Remember that 8/3, 8/4, 4/4, 2/1 are all fractions - they have a numerator and denominator separated by a line (at an oblique angle on the computer screen). Improper fractions are still fractions.