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Since B is a subset of A, all elements of B are in A.
If the elements of B are deleted, then B is an empty set, and also it is a subset of A, moreover B is a proper subset of A.

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Q: B is the subset of A what happened if elements are deleted from B?
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A - B is null.=> there are no elements in A - B.=> there are no elements such that they are in A but not in B.=> any element in A is in B.=> A is a subset of B.

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If all the elements in set A are also elements of set B, then set A is a subset of set B.

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The complement of a subset B within a set A consists of all elements of A which are not in B.

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If A is a subset of B, then all elements in set A are also in set B. If it is a proper subset, then there are also elements in B that are not in A.

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Suppose A is a subset of S. Then the complement of subset A in S consists of all elements of S that are not in A. The intersection of two sets A and B consists of all elements that are in A as well as in B.

B is a proper subset of C If the cardinal number of C is 8 what is the maximum number of elements in B?

If every element of B is contained in C, then B is a subset of C. If every element of B is contained in C and B is not the same as C, then B is a proper subset of C.The cardinal number of a set is the number of elements in the set.In this case, C has 8 elements, so B has at most 7 elements.

What is a proper set?

There is no such concept as "proper set". Perhaps you mean "proper subset"; a set "A" is a "proper subset" of another set "B" if:It is a subset (every element of set A is also in set B)The sets are not equal, i.e., there are elements of set B that are not elements of set A.

What is a subset in mathematics?

If all elements in set "A" are also elements of set "B", then set "A" is a subset of set "B". If the sets are not equal (set "B" also has some elements that are not in set "A"), then set "A" is a PROPER subset of set "B".Answer:In simple words: a subset is a set (a group) that is within another set. For example, the set of odd integers (odd numbers) is a subset of the set of all integers.A non-math example: the set of urbanites is a subset of the set of all people.See the first Answer (above) for more detail.

What do you call sets within another set?

If all elements of set A are also elements of set B, then set A is a subset of set B.

What is subsets and proper subsets?

A set "A" is said to be a subset of "B" if all elements of set "A" are also elements of set "B".Set "A" is said to be a proper subset of set "B" if: * A is a subset of B, and * A is not identical to B In other words, set "B" would have at least one element that is not an element of set "A". Examples: {1, 2} is a subset of {1, 2}. It is not a proper subset. {1, 3} is a subset of {1, 2, 3}. It is also a proper subset.