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Integer variables

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Q: A quantity that can be equal to any integer and can take any different integer values is known as?
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Is a to the 3rd power greater than or equal to a for all integer values of A and why?

No. A negative integer raised to the third power will yield a negative number that is less than the integer. Only whole numbers (positive integers greater than or equal to 1) have the property where that integer raised to the third power is greater than or equal to the integer.

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Different fractions are equal to different values.

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No, they are different values.

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No, they are different values.

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No, they have different values.

The difference of a negative integer and a positive integer is?

An integer that is equal in magnitude to the sum of their absolute values. Its sign is the same as which of the two numbers you are taking the difference from. For example, for the integers 5 and -7. Their absolute values are 5 and 7 so that the sum of the absolute values is 5+7 = 12. Then 5 - (-7) = +12 and -7 - 5 = -12.

What is the integer equal to 50?

50 IS an integer- - - so the integer equal to it is..... 50

Is a negative integer times a negative integer equal to a positive integer?

Yes, and also a negative integer divided by a negative integer is equal to a positive number (but not necessarily an integer).

How do you convert an integer to a fraction?

Any integer can be expressed as a fraction with the numerator equal to the integer and the denominator equal to 1.

Is 1.260 equal 1.206?

No, 1.260 is not equal to 1.206. The numbers have different values.

Can a function have an infinite number of values in its domain and only a finite number of values in its range?

Yes. A function is a rule to assign a value based on some other value; you can make the function equal to a constant for all values of a variable "x", or you can make it equal to a few values. Commonly used functions of this type include the integer function (take the integer part of a number), which, if you consider a finite domain (for example, all numbers from 0 to 10), has an infinite number of values in the domain, but only a few specific values in its range; and the sign function.

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The largest integer equal to -100 is -100. The largest integer less than -100 is -101.