8.8 × 10-3 written in decimal notation is 0.0088
1.Look at the number and note where the decimal point is located 2. If it is a whole number the decimal point is at the end 3. move the decimal point to the left and place just after the first number 4. count the number of places you moved the decimal 5. The scientific notation is the number in step 3 times 10 to the power of step 4 Example: 6,000,000 = 6 times 10 to the sixth power 4,910,000.1 = 4.9100001 times ten to the sixth power 59,100 = 5.91 times ten tot he fifth power
.01 , move the decimal point two places to the left.
7.1 × 107 written in regular form is 71,000,000
5.96*10-5 = 0.0000596 as a decimal
The decimal equivalent of 10 to the 8th power is 100,000,000
101 as a decimal is 10.
Ten to the negative sixth power in decimal form is 0.000001
If the number is already in decimal form, you do not need to do anything to "convert" it to decimal!
The decimal point is moved to the left by the value of the power.
No, data is information and decimal is a fraction out of a power of ten.
1.2 times ten to the fifth power in decimal notation is 120,000
It the power is d, where d is a signed integer, the decimal point moves d place to the right.
The power is -12 or a trillionth.
It is the power of negative 6.
In the decimal system, "f" represents the fifteenth power of ten, which is equivalent to 10^15 or 1,000,000,000,000,000.
For a negative power of -k, the equivalent decimal is the decimal point followed by (k-1) zeros followed by 1.Thus 10^-5 = 0.00001